✿ Terapia Espiritual de Regresión a Vidas Pasadas, Canalización Angélica y Reiki ✿

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Te doy la bienvenida al Maravilloso Mundo de la Energía y el Espíritu,
en el cual podrás explorar y sanar las huellas
que las experiencias de Vidas Pasadas han dejado impresas en la memoria de tu Alma.

From Argentina & Australia to the World ! Holistic Therapy by Past Life Regressions and Reiki Healing //
Terapia Espiritual mediante el recuerdo de Vidas Anteriores y Reiki

Concebimos la Sanación mediante la expansión de la consciencia, creemos en la Evolución del Alma,
nos regimos dentro del nuevo paradigma de La Conscienciología (Profesor Vieira y Chico Xavier), donde convergen en este nuevo Milenio la Ciencia y La espiritualidad.

Past Life Therapy & Healing ha crecido ! Nuestro equipo de terapeutas espirituales esta alrededor del mundo para servirte. Contactanos para consultar por terapeutas y cursos en tu ciudad ! --> terapias.espiritual@gmail.com - Whatsapp: +5491165410197


sábado, 22 de junio de 2019

Benefits of Soul Centred Past Life Regression

When you get to explore the deeper levels of your conciousness, healing can occur on all levels: mental, physical, emotional and spiritual. 

As the insights and understanding gained from this transformative technique offer great wisdom in regards to how you get to know yourself and your life purpose. 

Whether you suffer from symptoms and fears or whether you are just curious, there are many blessings awaiting you when you experience PLR. 

Some of the benefits are:

Symptoms such as stress, anxiety, fear and phobias simply dissolve and you are able to stop them from reoccurring.

Develop conscious "tools" to control your breathing, muscle tension, respiratory rate and blood pressure preventing stress, anxiety and even panic attacks.

Self-observation and self-knowledge leads to self-healing. Get to know your past-life experiences helps you to gain a deeper understanding of the challenges in your present life and why things happen to you now.

Expand your thoughts that result in more positive behaviours. Developing conscious control over your body.

It will help you to remove barriers inhibiting your own inner peace – emotional and physical blocks are removed and replaced by a sense of calmness followed by restored inner peace that enriches your health and wellbeing.

When you expand your awareness you gain more resources to heal stress-related illness and disease – stress and anxiety can weaken the immune system, therefore the removal of these symptoms promotes better health.

When you detoxify soul ties that links you with other people in your present and possibly in your past lives, love flows more freely, for yourself and others – the sense of certainty and contentment experienced following regression therapy allows love to flow more freely, which can prevent illness. When people are in love, or feeling love for self and others, their immunological system is functioning at an optimal level leading to overall good health.

Understand relationships and create healthier patterns – experiencing past life connections with people in your current life gives you a greater understanding of your relationships and allows you to create healthier relationship patterns instead of repeating old ones.

You have the chance to receive assistance from your spirit guides, angels and ascended master and free yourself from the weight of the past – clinging to the past is useless in solving any problems, you can only learn from it.

When you make sure that everything happens for a reason you may release fear of the future – you discover there is little point in worrying about the future, in fact it is a waste of time. You are more likely to be focused on the here and now.

Everytime you recall a past life with the permission of your higher-self, you gain wisdom through experience – the knowledge acquired from your subconscious and higher self leads to a greater wisdom that you can apply to all areas of your life.

Soul centred past life regression therapy helps you to unlock your heart chakra and allow to emerge to your consciouness precious feelings like compasion and forgiveness – you are able to shift your present attitude and become more patient, loving and forgiving towards the people in your life. 

You may find the strengh to renew motivation and willpower to make the changes you desire – the deeper understanding of yourself results in the self-determination to lose weight, give up alcohol or drugs, quit smoking or make any other changes you so desire.

Increase in self-esteem and self-worth – the transformational benefits include developing a new awareness of your abilities and natural strengths giving you renewed confidence.

When you discover that soul never dies you definitely make a change of perspective – you’ll uncover valuable details about yourself and discover new levels of healing that will transform the way you see yourself, the world and your life.

A shift in values and priorities – the awareness that you are indeed a spiritual being ignites deep-rooted changes leading you to value qualities such as love, compassion and positive relationships more. You are able to discern more clearly the things that are really important to you and the things that aren’t. 

This is an opportunity to reconnect with your loved ones – even those ones from your present life who have already passed away - you experience relationships you had in previous lives with loved ones that are no longer with you in this life time.