Reconocer Almas Gemelas
To recognize a Soulmate (Scroll down for English Version)
La imagen del alma gemela disponible pero "adormecida" puede causarnos una terrible angustia. Adormecida significa que no ve la vida con claridad y que no es consciente de las distintas dimensiones de la existencia, que no sabe nada sobre la existencia verdadera de las almas. Normalmente son las interferencias cotidianas de la mente las que nos impiden despertar. La persona reconoce la atracción. No hay duda de que la atracción existe, pero su origen no se comprende. Crees que esta pasión, este reconocimiento y esta atracción volverá a producirse con otra persona: esto es engañarse. No nos topamos con almas gemelas de este tipo todos los días, quizá solo con una o dos más en toda una vida. La gracia divina puede recompensar a un buen corazón, a un alma llena de amor.
Experiencias en el consultorio
Una vez una paciente llego muy atormentada, indecisa entre dos amores: su marido y un compañero de trabajo. Este hombre le imploraba que se separe, pues no podía vivir sin ella, mostrándose al borde del suicidio. Luego de la sesión de regresión, esta hermosa y joven mujer, se recordó a si misma como un esclavo negro escapando de su embravecido captor, quien lo derribo de tres tiros en el pecho, al caer al suelo le pedí que identifique al asesino. Para su sorpresa, detrás de los ojos celestes y mechones rubios europeos, reconoció la esencia de su compañero de trabajo del presente, quien hoy tiene tez morena y ojos negros. Le pedí que me describiera la escena tal cual trascurriera después de su muerte, entonces me hablo de su reencuentro con su padre, de quien había sido arrancado siendo un pequeño nino. Las lagrimas brotaban de sus ojos, expresando una inmensa alegría y alivio. "Mi papa volvió a buscarme, como lo había prometido cuando nos separaron los hombres blancos cuando mis hermanos y yo eramos ninos, cumplió su palabra!" en medio del jubilo por el ansiado reencuentro le pedí que describiera a ese ser luminoso que venia a recibirlo con tanto amor desde el mundo espiritual, entonces lo miro fijamente a los ojos y reconoció su esencia: "Es mi Marido!"
Encontrar a nuestras almas gemelas no debe convertirse en motivo de preocupación. Tales encuentros están a merced del destino y sin lugar a dudas se producen. Después del encuentro, prevalece el libre albedrío de ambas personas. Las decisiones que se toman y las que se descartan quedan en manos de su voluntad, de su propia elección. El alma mas adormecida tomara decisiones basándose en la mente y en todos sus miedos y prejuicios.
Encontrar a nuestras almas gemelas no debe convertirse en motivo de preocupación. Tales encuentros están a merced del destino y sin lugar a dudas se producen. Después del encuentro, prevalece el libre albedrío de ambas personas. Las decisiones que se toman y las que se descartan quedan en manos de su voluntad, de su propia elección. El alma mas adormecida tomara decisiones basándose en la mente y en todos sus miedos y prejuicios.
Desgraciadamente esto suele provocar mucha angustia. Cuando más despierta sea la pareja más posibilidades habrá de que tome una decisión basada en el amor y si los dos miembros de una pareja están despiertos, el éxtasis se hallará al alcance de sus manos.
Pero OJO! Las familias de almas encarnan siempre en grupo, y tu gran amor de una vida anterior, hoy puede ser sin lugar a dudas un hermano, un cuñado, un hijo, hasta un mejor amigo del mismo sexo.. por lo que un alma gemela no se limita al vínculo que une ambas almas, sino a la intensidad del amor que las une. Al final, eso es lo que cuenta.
Pues, nada en esta vida es casualidad. ✿
To recognize a Soulmate
The image of a soulmate available but "dormant" can cause a terrible anguish. "Dormant" means that can´t sees life clearly and not aware of the different dimensions of existence, who knows nothing about the real existence of souls. Usually are the daily interference of the mind that keep us awake. The person recognizes the attraction. There is no doubt that the attraction there, but its origin is not understood. Think this passion, this recognition and attraction recur with another person, but this is to fool yourself. We do not run into this kind of soul mates every day, maybe just one or two in a lifetime. Divine grace can reward a good heart, a soul full of love.
Experiences in the sessions
Once, a patient came very tormented, torn between two loves: her husband and a co-worker. This man implored her to leave her husband because he could not live without her love, showing him self border suicidal. After the regression session, this beautiful young woman reminded herself as a black slave escaping from his raging captor, who knocked him down with three shots to the chest. Falling to the ground I asked to identify the murderer. To her surprise, behind the blue eyes and european blond locks, she recognized the essence of her job colleague, who now has a dark complexion and black eyes. I asked her to describe the scene as it elapse after his death, then told me about his reunion with his father, who had been separated from his childs when their were small kids. Tears welled in her eyes, expressing great joy and relief. "My father came to get me, as promised when we had parted by the white men when my brothers and I were children, He kept his word!" amid the jubilation for the coveted reunion I asked her to describe to that luminous being who came to meet him with much love from the spiritual world, then looking into his eyes she recognized his essence: "It's my husband!"
Experiences in the sessions
Once, a patient came very tormented, torn between two loves: her husband and a co-worker. This man implored her to leave her husband because he could not live without her love, showing him self border suicidal. After the regression session, this beautiful young woman reminded herself as a black slave escaping from his raging captor, who knocked him down with three shots to the chest. Falling to the ground I asked to identify the murderer. To her surprise, behind the blue eyes and european blond locks, she recognized the essence of her job colleague, who now has a dark complexion and black eyes. I asked her to describe the scene as it elapse after his death, then told me about his reunion with his father, who had been separated from his childs when their were small kids. Tears welled in her eyes, expressing great joy and relief. "My father came to get me, as promised when we had parted by the white men when my brothers and I were children, He kept his word!" amid the jubilation for the coveted reunion I asked her to describe to that luminous being who came to meet him with much love from the spiritual world, then looking into his eyes she recognized his essence: "It's my husband!"
Finding our twin souls must not become a concern. Such encounters are at the mercy of fate and undoubtedly occur. After the meeting, free will prevails both people. The decisions made are discarded and are left to their will, their own choice. The more numb soul to make decisions based on the mind and all your fears and prejudices.
Unfortunately this usually causes much distress. When the couple is more awake more likely it is to make a decision based on love and if both members of a couple are awakened, ecstasy is available at your fingertips.
But Take Care! The families of souls always embody group, and your love from a previous life today can be undoubtedly a brother, a brother in law, a son, or a best friend of the same sex .. so a soul mate is not limited to the link between two souls, but the intensity of love that unites them. In the end, that's what counts.
Well, nothing in life is just casual. ✿